Saturday, April 16, 2011

Purposful Planning: Quagmire

There is much to be said about people who take responsibility for their actions, and not blame others for their shortcomings. Mature people understand that they have the ability to take control of their lives. A mature adult with a family has to take charge and set boundaries(rules and regulations) for their off springs. It should be understood that it is the responsibility of the parent to police their children.

Parenting is not the responsibility of the school. The school is for educating children as they develop into adulthood to become productive citizens of society. Parents can't expect the school to provide all the needs of their children. They have to instill decent moral values in their children.

The school can inform parents and students of things such as sexting and cyberbullying, however once they are made aware it is their responsibility to use prudent discretion. They should report such incidents to authorities. Parents who are aware or suspect these acts are happening, should get involved especially if their child has knowledge of or is a victim.

Why is this happening and the students understand the seriousness of these crimes. I think the answer is in the way adolescents brain function. There is proof through recent research that adolescents continue to take risk, because there is something in the brain that gives them a sensation and its gratifying to them. Its like dopamine when we laugh, it triggers the brain to want more.

Having knowledge of this research can help us understand why they continue to take part in such acts. This should not be and excuse to let them off easy, because the victims suffer irreparable damage they will be with them for life. Sometimes causing death by suicide. Although we understand what triggers adolescents to continue to partake in these nonsensical acts, it should not lessen the consequences. In fact it is my opinion that stiffer punishment be administered for anyone involved in such crimes. I think that the parents should take some responsibility especially if they have seen signs relative to these acts.

Technological advances while good have placed great demands on parents and schools. We known have to watch for cell phones, ipods, and PS2's, which takes valuable time away from teaching. I think laws need to be enacted to effectively deal with all these, 21st century technological gadgets.

1 comment:

  1. One of the articles I linked about the adolescent brain development can explain some of why students do what they do. Another explanation could be that parents are just not aware of how social media can impact and influence their children. That is why finding more parent resources are important.

    On another note - this week's assignment was to post your lesson idea that you will develop further to become your Integrated Lesson.
